We Offer Simple Sophistication, Relaxation And Enjoyment With Every Puff
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC

Unique Mobile Cigar Service Dedicated To Enriching The Cigar Journey

Make It Memorable

Crafting Unforgettable Cigar Experiences On-the-Go

CIGARDEN presents a unique mobile cigar service dedicated to enriching the cigar journey for both newcomers and aficionados. With a mission to educate and curate exceptional cigar moments, we offer an unforgettable addition to your upcoming event, ensuring it’s etched in memories.

Elevate any occasion by incorporating our service, transforming it into an extraordinary affair. Let us enhance your experience, whether it’s an event supplement or the highlight itself.

Perfect blend of


Shade Cigar Cafe seamlessly blends a cigar shop with a cafe ambiance with simple sophistication. Catering to all, it’s a destination for premium cigar selections and cigar knowledge, offering a wide variety of coffee and tea. Experience networking, plan intimate gatherings, and productivity with our wifi. Embrace relaxation, self-reflection, and shared moments in a unique setting.

Why Choose Us
Unique Cigar Experience

Why Choose Us

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Diverse Cigar Selection

Explore an extensive range of premium cigars catering to novices and enthusiasts.

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Versatile Venue

Include our mobile service in any of your events, we can come to you and cultivate a great experience.

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Welcoming Atmosphere

Enjoy a comfortable space to savor cigars, sip coffee, and connect with others.

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Expertise and Service

Benefit from our attentive experienced staff. We strive to make every interaction memorable.

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Networking Hub

Engage in meaningful conversations, business discussions, and social interactions in a relaxed setting.

CIGARDEN and Shade Cigar Cafe

Customized Experience

We offer a wide variety of services that are sure to impress you and your guest.



Don't just take our word for it...

Read what our happy guest and clients have to say about us.

I absolutely love Shade Cigar Cafe! It’s a great vibe and a relaxed space where you can chill, enjoy your favorite stick, and meet up with folks. If you want to try something new, Moe and her staff will gladly make a cigar recommendation! Another favorite … is Wine Down Wednesdays. You won’t be disappointed!

So, if you’re in the area, make sure you stop by to see the cafe for yourself and then … enjoy a smoke in the tent while you listen to music. Trust me, you’ll have a great time!!!

Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
Jeanette Cox
Shade Cigar Cafe has become my new home away from home. The atmosphere is always inviting and relaxing. The best warm and welcoming staff. Anytime I have any questions someone can always help and answer them. The selection of cigars is one of the best around as I have purchased cigars for myself and as gifts for others. Thank you Shade Cigars for always delivering!
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
Arian Hargrove

Very Popular Wedding Feature

Cigarden provided a fantastic service with great vibe which proved to be way more popular than expected at our wedding. Thanks to Mo and the team for their efforts. 🙂
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
Martin S.
Cigarden did an amazing job at our wedding. Their setup looked fantastic, and our guests raved about the experience. Can't recommend them enough. Not only that, but Cigarden took care of all the planning themselves and even designed cigar bands using our wedding logo.
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
Reid S.
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
Cigarden Mobile Cigar Service LLC
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